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Exquisite turkey fricassee


  • Turkey fillet (500g)
  • Onion (1-2 pieces)
  • Sweet pepper (1-2 pieces)
  • Garlic (3-5 cloves)
  • Sour cream 10% (you can add yoghurt or buttermilk) (250g)
  • Salt, spices


Fricassee is a white meat cooked in a white sauce. We will cook an exquisite turkey fricassee in a sour cream sauce. For this recipe, you should wash turkey meat and cut it into thin slices. Then peel the onion and cut it into semi-rings. Peel the sweet pepper and cut into thin strips. Cut the garlic into thin slices. Fry onion and pepper on the pan without oil for a few minutes, you can also add some water. Add crushed garlic and sour cream to the turkey. Mix it. Put the turkey fillet with sour cream on the pan with onion and pepper. Mix it and leave until boiling. Fricassee should be left until boiling, then be covered with a cap and braised for 7 minutes. Turkey meat should be white both inside and outside, then it is finished. Don’t leave it on the cooker for too long; otherwise it will be dry.

Enjoy your meal!
2024-02-01 11:14 EN