Official employment
Monthly bonus
Corporate transport
Comfortable uniform
Sport and wellness opportunities
Discounts for company’s products
Trainings and mentor support
Accommodation for nonresidents
Financial support: childbirth, anniversary, loss
Flexible work schedule, part-time job, shift work
Our advantages
Events and gifts
Stable and well-paid job among friendly team members with an eventful corporate life is your purpose, isn’t it?
Bashkirian poultry complex named after M. Gafuri LLC SouzPromPtitsa located in Meleuz city specializes in turkey breeding and turkey meat goods production.
More than one thousand workers are involved in our enterprise that has been successfully operating since 2009. Our enterprise includes: hatchery, breeding and rearing areas, slaughterhouse, turkey butchering, deep meat processing area, fodder facility, transport department and maintenance department.
We have job offers both for well-experienced experts and for the candidates without any work experience.
Poultry meat semi-products producer
Retail chain sales department operator
Store manager
Zoo technician
Fill in job application
If you are interested in cooperation with our enterprise, but haven’t found an appropriate vacancy, feel free to send out the details about your experience in the free form. We will definitely consider you as a candidate and offer employment opportunities.
Send your CV
HR contact details
For mass media
Room 711, 170, Mendeleeva st., Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan
Room 3, 11 Sovhosnaya st., Meleuz, Meleuzovsky district, the Republic of Bashkortostan, 453854
Room 3, 11 Sovhosnaya st., Meleuz, Meleuzovsky district, the Republic of Bashkortostan, 453854
Legal address
SouzPromPtitsa LLC
OGRN 1220200030060
TIN 0263034881
KPP 026301001
OKPO 71176174
In what cases you can contact us:
For comments, informational materials. Cinemas and video shooting, photoshoots and for different other aspects of SouzPromPtitsa activities.
For contacting you need to create an official request addressed to a director, signed by a chief editor and certified with a seal
There must be included:

- A list of questions you are interested in
- Surname, name, and second name of a responsible correspondent
- Your address, number and other contact information
Mass media representatives can submit an official request to the following address:

Room 711, 170, Mendeleeva st., Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan
Email for media
When sending a request, the ‘Subject’ field should begin with a word ‘Request’
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